Teacher Feedback form

Feedback from Teachers

This form is intended to collect information relating to satisfaction towards the curriculum, teaching, learning, evaluation and infrastructure. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used as important feedback for quality improvement of the programme of studies and the institution.

For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by selecting appropriate option.

* Required

    Academic Year *

    Name of the Teacher *

    Department *

    1.  The courses/ Syllabi taught by me have a good balance between theory and application: *

    2.  The Objectives of the syllabus are well defined: *

    3.  The books/ Journals etc, prescribed/ listed as reference materials are relevant, updated and cover the entire syllabi: *

    4.  The Courses/Syllabi of the subjects taught by me increased my interest, knowledge and perspective in the subject area: *

    5.  The College provides adequate opportunities and support to faculty members for upgrading their skills and qualification: *

    6.  ICT facilities in the college are adequate and satisfactory : *

    7.  The Classrooms are clean well maintained: *

    8.  Suggestions if any: *